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Tips for preparing for Clerks exams
Before starting your preparation, its very important to know the syllabus, exam pattern, and the weightage of questions in various sections of IBPS Clerk tests.
Syllabus for IBPS Clerk Mock exam
Quantitative Aptitude or Numerical Ability Syllabus
This section is based on aptitude to check the aspirant’s knowledge and fastness of thinking. The topics covered are given below:
- Number System
- Profit & Loss
- Simple Interest & Compound Interest
- Time & Work
- Time & Distance
- Decimal & Fraction
- Averages
- Simplification
- Partnership
- Percentages
- Ratio & Proportion
- Averages
- Case Studies Charts and Graphs
- Permutation & Combination
- Probability
- Data Interpretation – Bar Graph, Line Graph & Pie chart
Reasoning Syllabus
Reasoning section has the following syllabus to ascertain the aspirants logical thinking abilities. Following syllabus has been prescribed for IBPS clerk exam:
- Puzzles – Seating Arrangement: Circular/Direction-based/MISC
- Number Series
- Odd man out
- Coding-Decoding
- Blood Relation
- Analogy
- Syllogism
- Alphabet Test
- Ranking and Time
- Causes and Effects
- Direction Sense
- Figure Series
- Word Formation
- Statement and Assumption
- Assertion and Reason
- Statement and Conclusion
- Statement and Arguments
- Statements and Action Courses
English Language or Hindi Language Syllabus
English section is one of the important and most common sections in all competitive exams. Generally all the exams have the same syllabus for exams, following are the list of topics for IBPS Clerk exam:
- Reading Comprehensions
- Grammar / Vyakaran
- Spotting Errors
- Fill in the Blanks
- Misspelled Words
- Jumbled Words
- Rearrangement of Sentence
- Jumbled up sentences
- Idioms and Phrases
- Cloze Tests
- One word Substitution
- Antonyms and Synonyms
General Awareness Syllabus
- Current Affairs National & International
- Sports Abbreviations
- Currencies & Capitals
- General Science
- Government Schemes & policies
- Banking Awareness
- National Parks & Sanctuaries
- Financial Awareness Syllabus
- Current events in Financial World
- Monetary policy
- Budget
- Economic Survey
- Banking reforms in India
- Bank Accounts of Special Individuals Loans
- Asset Reconstruction Companies
- Non-Performing Assets
- Restructuring of Loans
- Bad Loans
- Risk Management
- Organisations – RBI, SEBI, IMF, World Bank & Others
Computer Knowledge Syllabus
- Fundamentals of Computer
- History of Computers
- Future of Computers
- Basic Knowledge of Internet
- Networking Software & Hardware
- Abbreviations Shortcut Keys
- MS Office
- Database
- Security Tools
- Virus
- Hacking
- Trojans Input and Output Devices
- Computer Languages
Difference Between Bank and SSC Syllabus
Every graduate start looking for best career prospects during his/her final years of graduation. When some start looking for various government jobs, they find various competitive examinations such as Bank (IBPS/SBI), UPSC and Staff Selection Commission (SSC) to land in government or public sector jobs. You have to prepare for the following type of exams to clear clerk exam in 2023:
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Most of the graduates opt for Bank and SSC as their first choice due to their similarity in syllabus and due to the frequency of notifications. However, SSC and Banking exams are two completely distinct competitive exams in terms of syllabus and exam pattern, which we have to explore before starting our preparation. Let us talk about them one by one.
SSC vs. Banking Syllabus – Quantitative Aptitude or Numerical Aptitude
This the most important section in both the competitive exams, aspirants have to focus and practice more in order to score well. Both SSC and Banking aspirants need to build a strong foundation in quant section to clear cutoffs. This section is extremely scoring if one prepares well. Let us have a look at the common and unique topics in this section.
Common Topics | Unique Topics in SSC | Unique Topics in Bank |
Number Series Averages LCM & HCF Ratio and proportion Percentages Profit & Loss SI & CI Partnership & Ages Mixture and Allegations Time and Distance Time and Work Data Interpretation | Geometry Algebra Trigonometry Coordinate Geometry Mensuration | Probability Permutations and Combinations Quadratic Equations Data Sufficiency |
SSC Vs. Banking Syllabus – General Intelligence & Reasoning
In both the exam, SSC and banking reasoning is the most scoring and easy section. Mastering this section can fetch you good overall score. While in banking exams the level of questions are little tough, but they are not tough to crack. You will find that there are only a few topics are common in banking and SSC exams. So let us check the difference in the syllabus for the reasoning section.
Common Topics in SSC and Banking | Unique Topics in SSC | Unique Topics in Banking |
Coding Decoding Number series Distance and Direction Blood Relations Critical Reasoning | Mathematical Operators Venn Diagrams Visual Reasoning Matrix Analogy Odd One out Non Verbal reasoning | Analytical Reasoning New pattern of coding decoding Syllogisms Puzzles Inequalities Input-Output Data Sufficiency |
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SSC vs. Banking Syllabus – English
English is another common and important section in both SSC and banking exams. While in SSC, English has high weight age as the carries 50 percent of the total marks in Tier I, II and III combined together, so it is very important to focus on this section for SSC aspirants. In SSC exams English is more vocabulary based, while in banking exams the focus is more on comprehension, so aspirants need to have more analytical skill. There is no denying that students should have good command on Grammar and also having a strong vocabulary skill will help aspirants in both the exams.
Common in SSC and Banking | Unique Topics in SSC | Unique Topics in Banking |
Spotting Errors Fill in the blanks Synonym/Antonym Reading Comprehension | Idiom/Phrase One word substitution Spelling Mistakes | Cloze Test Para jumbles |
SSC vs Banking Syllabus – General Awareness
General awareness section is the most important and common section in all competitive exams. In both SSC and banking exams though this is very important, there is large variation in the syllabus. Current Affairs is one of the areas, which need attention in both exams. Let us check the difference in topics asked in general awareness in SSC and banking examinations.
Common Topics in SSC and Banking | Unique Topics in SSC | Unique Topics in Banking |
Ø Current Affairs Ø Day to Day GK Ø Important Abbreviations Ø Computer Literacy | § History § Geography § Indian polity § Indian Economy § General Science § Awards, important dates § Sports, Famous personalities etc. | · Banking and Financial Awareness · Computer awareness |
We hope that the information helps the prospective candidates to analyze and prepare for the Bank PO or SSC exams.
Preparation tips for IBPS Clerk exams
Syllabi are almost the same but different in questions of difficulty level. IBPS Clerk Mock exams is not as tough as IBPS Clerk demands deep knowledge whereas other exams are slightly less difficult to crack. You take to have enough time for preparing for these exams. Prepare a study plan and adhere to the timing and topics. You can check Rankers Hub App for the following areas:
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If you want to crack that IBPS Clerk exam, then ensure that you will not take a gap in preparation and have to be consistent. You have to sacrifice your social media and other deviating activities and maintain a disciplined schedule until you write the exam.
Tips and suggestions are given at the end, now let’s talk regarding the preparation of different topics let’s deal one by one:
Tips for Quantitative Aptitude:
IBPS Clerk Prelims exam also demands SPEED & ACCURACY
- To start with, firstly one should master topics like simplification, approximation, quadratic, missing number series, and wrong number series. These topics can not be ignored as they cover around 15–20 marks. To master these topics, you need to practice them every single day. Because irregularity in these topics will decrease your speed and will also impact other topics in calculations
- Data interpretation: Data Interpretation and Analysis is the most challenging part of Quantitative Aptitude. This section cannot be ignored as there is never an IBPS or IBPS exam without this topic. A set of DI Questions easily earns you 5 marks. You have to learn types of data interpretation and practice questions on daily basis at least 5 DI. In the pre-exam, you expect one question minimum and two sets in mains exam from DI section.
- Other Arithmetic Topics: First, learn all chapters from basic to advanced. Topics like Averages, LCM & HCF, Ratios, and Percentages are the basics for all the topics in aptitude. So, mastering these topics is essential as in pre-exam, you can expect 10 questions and in mains, 80% section form this. You can easily solve the Data Interpretation section if you have a good command of these topics. If you complete one chapter then revise it after 3–4 days. If you do not follow, revision cycle then your hard work in this section may go waste. So keep it in mind that, Revision is very important for arithmetic.
- Profit and loss, simple and compound interest: The problem with going for questions of the chapter like Profit loss, Compound Interest / Simple Interest is that they require a lot of time to prepare. Basics and Concepts must be clear to master these topics and you cannot expect to complete these chapters in a few days. Try solving and understanding the questions and clues given and analyze the best method to solve, the question may be lengthy, but it can be solved easily in one or two steps. This only comes with a lot of practice. So, never get panic if you find a big question most of them are easy to solve. Once you are clear on this topic you can easily solve the question not taking more than a minute.
- Time and Distance/ Time and Work: All the suggestions mentioned above are applicable to this topic. Both the percentages and time-related topics require clearing your basics and concepts. You can find some tricky and confusing questions in time and works questions. It is important to note that, If you can analyze what exactly the examiner is asking the question can be easily done, or else, they may waste our time.
- Permutations and Combinations & Probability: Questions from this topic are often asked in Bank exams you need to practice extensively. Both Permutations and Combinations & Probability have their own strategies for solving. While preparing, you must first focus on Permutations and then Combinations.
Probability questions can be of any kind and often get confusing. You should practice previous years’ question papers and attempt mock tests to expertise this area.
- Mock exams: You are done with practice and revision. Now the next step is to write online mock exams. All your efforts in practice sessions can be monitored and improved only when you write mock exams. Many sites provide mock exams for free or at a very reasonable price. Do not miss writing topic-wise mocks to check your accuracy and speed. Follow simple steps, Practice – Prepare – Revise – Exams.
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Important tips for Exams:
- For any competitive exam it is very important to revise previous years’ question papers. It helps you analyze the changing trends as well as check your preparation levels.
- Study plan – You should chalk out a study plan giving timing for all the sections of Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning, English as well as Mains preparation in between. The study plan should be such that you divide equal time to each section of the exam. We will discuss detailed study plan in the next article.
- You should focus on the revision of critical topics. Maximum effort has to be put into topics with maximum weightage. So, knowing the weightage of topics is very important. Check the weightage of various topics in my previous article.
- Section-wise preparation Strategy: As there is a fixed time to attempt each section you need to build a clear section-wise strategy to attempt the maximum number of questions with each section. If you are attempting the Aptitude section then they must pre-decide in mind what types of questions you are about to solve first. For eg: you can devote the first five minutes to questions, that you are an expert in and have a good command of, then the next two minutes to simplifications, number series questions, and so on.
- You must be very clear with the concepts. You are clear with the basic concept of Quantitative Aptitude, if you are not clear on the concepts then you will find it difficult to solve tricky questions. In main exams, it will be very helpful only if you are clear with concepts.
- Competitive exams are all about time management and accuracy. You should learn shortcuts for solving questions. Since there are sectional timings, learning shortcuts will help you to attempt the maximum number of questions in less possible time. You can practice with more and more sectional tests and take one mock test every day for each section. Since the exams are computer-based, practice the mocks on your desktop or laptop computer for optimum results.
Topic-wise Tips and Tricks in Reasoning
We have discussed topic-wise tips and tricks in Quantitative in our previous article. In a someway it is also important to understand the same in Reasoning to score more marks. Let’s us study the reasoning section topics one by one. Before that please check the following resources of Rankers Hub to start your preparation:
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Following topics in reasoning are not be neglected. Let check one by one.
- Distance and Directions.
This is one of the easiest and most scoring of all the questions asked in Reasoning. If you can read the statements carefully by focusing on one aspect at a time and making diagrams, then your answer is not far away. You should have a clear understanding of the directional coordinates and facing directions concept. If you are perfect in the concept, then you will never miss a mark.
- Analogy
Starting the reasoning session with Analogy, Order and ranking, Alphanumeric Series, and syllogisms will fetch easy marks as these sections are straightforward based on general knowledge and common sense.
In analogy questions, you have to identify the relation between two comClerknents and find out if the missing element has a similar relationship with another element. Practicing more questions will fetch you marks.
- Order & Ranking
In order and ranking, there are a few formulas to solve these types of questions and making diagrams can also help. These questions are given to determine the rank/Clerksition of the person from bottom/left-right.
- Alphanumeric Series
Perhaps one of the most interesting topics in reasoning is a series of questions. These questions are based on the identification of the pattern in a given series
- Syllogism
There are two methods to choose to solve syllogisms, either you can choose the A, E, l, O rules method, or the traditional Venn Diagram method. It’s up to you to decide which method you will practice, scoring is important. It is important to read the questions before attempting the answers in syllogisms. Be clear regarding the statements and the assumptions.
- Blood Relations
We can expect two questions from this topic. Read the question carefully and draw a family tree accordingly. It should be noted that generations and relations between the characters asked should not be confused. You can easily score marks if you draw a perfect family tree.
- Inequalities
Mathematical Inequalities questions are complex expressions with mathematical symbols. You need to determine the relationship between different variables. Coded Inequalities questions consist of expressions coded with symbols. So first, you have to decode the symbols and then find the conclusions.
One of the best ways is to make a table and decode the given symbols. Thereafter rewrite the relationships using the decoded symbols. Combine all the relationships to get the combined statement to draw an accurate conclusion.
- Seating Arrangements
In seating, there are various models like circular, linear, square, etc. These questions are critical, tricky, and time-consuming. To master the topic there is only one tip “more you practice, the more you gain mastery over this topic”.
- Puzzles
Year by year the importance of the topic is increasing. More questions are asked about this topic, these are tricky and also time-consuming. Analyze and collect all the statements, do not miss any clue. The only way to master this topic is again the same practice – practice and more practice. You cannot ignore this topic to succeed in Bank exams. Complete your syllabus and do practice and practice & more practice.
- Input and Output: Questions on Input and Output are not difficult to solve but are time taking. To solve these questions, it’s important to remember that you should not miss any detail when processing the input because that is a common error that leads to a wrong answer.
- Miscellaneous topics.
There are other small topics that come under reasoning and may need attention such as data sufficiency etc. Practice these topics as they can be handy in fetching one or two marks. Data Sufficiency questions may be of any form. Data Sufficiency questions are likely to take the maximum time in solving them. Hence, with adequate practice and solving mock tests, candidates will be able to score good marks.
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Best app for IBPS Clerk preparation
By installing the rankers hub app you can get access to daily current affairs, study notes, study material, online tests, exam notifications, topic-wise mock tests, and much more. Download Rankers Hub App now from Google Play Store. Rankers Hub preparation App has helped thousands of students to achieve their dream jobs. By downloading the rankers hub app you will learn and prepare with the best resources in India. Rankers Hub Android application has one of the best relevant materials and exams to crack the toughest exam pattern.
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Best Exam Preparation App for all competitive exams
Which app to choose for exam preparation is often the point of debate among students. You should always think of what is the criteria for choosing an app. Firstly, know what is your interested, whether it’s exams, an online video course, (or) both, or else you need daily current affairs or else live classes, or else an app that fulfills all the above requirements. Choices are many but you have to choose the one which gives you full support during your exam preparation. Rankers Hub App has the updated content and will assure you to be by your side throughout your learning process for both clerk prelims and ibps Clerk mains mock.
About IBPS
IBPS offers recruitment services to all Public-Sector Banks, SBI, Associate Banks of SBI, RBI, NABARD, SIDBI, LIC & Insurance companies and regular member Banks of the IBPS society. IBPS started the Common Written Examination (CWE) in the year 2011 to recruit officers and clerks in Public Sector Banks. It accepts online application through its official website for registration of the examination.
Institute of Banking Personnel Selection holds the IBPS PO/Clerk Bank Exam to select Probationary Officers & Clerical staff in Public Sector banks.
IBPS Clerk Online Application
IBPS will active the online applicable link for IBPS Clerk 2023 Exam in September 2020. Candidates are required to click on the link mentioned below to apply for IBPS Clerk 2023 Exam.
Eligible and interested Candidates are required to register online for the recruitment process on the official IBPS website, The 2-tiered selection process consists of Preliminary and Main Exams which will be conducted online, so start preparing for pre and ibps Clerk mains mock tests. Candidates must pass each exam to get shortlisted and progress to the next stage.
IBPS Clerk Vacancies 2023
Every year more than lakhs of aspirants appear for the IBPS Bank examination. The official notification of IBPS Clerk 2023 expected to be released in the month of September 2020 tentatively. The Online Registration for IBPS Clerk 2023 will start from October 2023. There are Approximately 12000+ Vacant Posts vacancies.
Click here for to see bank wise and state wise Vacancies:
Salary of IBPS Clerk
The Salary of the clerk is more or less the same, in the majority of the public sector banks.
The following are the details of an IBPS Clerk Salary:
Facilities | Places with population |
>45 lakhs | <45 lakhs |
Basic Pay | Rs.11765/- | Rs.11765/- |
Dearness Allowance | Rs.5311.58/- | Rs.5311.58/- |
Special Allowance | Rs.911.79/- | Rs.911.79/- |
Transport Allowance | Rs.425/- | Rs.425/- |
CCA | Rs.0/- | Rs.0/- |
House Rent Allowance(HRA) | Rs.1176.5/- | Rs.1058.5/- |
Total (without HRA) | Rs.18413.37/- | Rs.18413.37/- |
Gross with HRA | Rs.19589.87/- | Rs.19472.22/- |
IBPS Clerk Eligibility Criteria – 2023
Educational Qualification:
The eligibility criteria for the IBPS CWE Clerk exam is a Graduation Degree in any of the streams such as BA, B.Com, BSc, B.Tech, etc., from a University recognized by the Government of India. The percentage of marks obtained in Graduation should be mentioned at the time of registration for the IBPS Bank-Clerk examination. Certificate which supports that they are graduates on the day they were registered for the exam. The percentage of marks obtained in Graduation should be mentioned at the time of registration for the IBPS Bank-Clerk examination and write prilims and ibps Clerk mains mock test series.
Computer Literacy: Knowledge of computer operation is a must as the IBPS Clerk exam is conducted online.
Language Proficiency: Candidates should have verbal and written proficiency in the official language of the State/UT. The candidate should be able to read, write and speak the language.
Age Eligibility: As on date intimated in notification. Candidate should be 20 – 28 Years
Category | Age Relaxation |
Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe (SC/ST) | 5 years |
Other Backward Classes (OBC Non-Creamy Layer) | 3 years |
Persons with Disabilities (PWD) | 10 years |
Ex-Servicemen (Army personnel) | 5 years |
Widows/Divorced Women | 9 years |
Persons with Domicile of Jammu &Kashmir during the period of 1-1-1980 to 31-12-1989 | 5 years |
Persons affected by 1984 riots | 5 years |
Nationality / Citizenship of Applicants:
Candidates applying for IBPS CWE/Bank PO Examination should be one of the following:
- Citizen of India
- The subject of Nepal or Bhutan
- Tibetan Refugee who came to India before 1st January 1962 with the intention of permanent settlement
- Person of Indian Origin (PIO) who has migrated from Burma, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Vietnam or East African countries of Zaire, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Ethiopia, Malawi, with the intention of permanent settlement in India
Candidates belonging to the category 2, 3, 4 must have a certificate of eligibility issued by the Govt of India in their favor. They should start preparing for ibps Clerk mains mock tests on Rankers Hub platform.
Now Ensure Success in IBPS Clerk 2023, if your target is IBPS Clerk exam, then start practicing on IBPS Clerk test series for both prelims and ibps Clerk mains test series Do not miss to practice on topic wise/Chapter wise and speed test to evaluate your performance, which helps you track and build your speed.
About Rankers Hub courses
Online Course highlights:
- Classes by Expert faculty
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- and many other support services that are not available in any other online platforms
- YouTube Chanel: Rankers Hub channel, provides free online guidance for Groups, Bank SBI / IBPS PO, Clerks exams and SSC CGL / CHSL / CPO exams by experts in the industry and Defence exams.
Our offer online course content for various state and central govt competitive exams like
- BANK Exams (SBI PO / Junior Assistant)
- IBPS RRB (Scale I, II & III) & Office Assistant (Multipurpose)
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- Corona virus: Due to Covid-19, it has become difficult to operate coaching institutes for classroom studies. To overcome this problem, we have come up with a unique solution. We have introduced Dual courses where we will provide Online and Offline class programs. This will help students to continue their studies even if they are unable to attend classes physically.